Complesso La Nostra
Bosisio Parini (LC)

Project Description

  • CustomerIstituto di ricerca e cura a carattere scientifico “E. Medea”
  • Località: Bosisio Parini
  • Progetto: Studio Paolo Bodega Architettura - Studio Maurizio Varratta
  • Categoria:

Descrizione progetto

The complex is erected on an area covering 120,000 square metres and is provided with a structure to nurse pediatric patients suffering from neuromotory handicaps and with an advanced scientific study, research and treatment centre. The seventh pavilion, built aiming at rationalizing and centralizing all the shared services for the whole complex, occupies an area of 30,000 square metres. The entrance hall, which is thought as a large transparent space, is overlooked by the three hospital-stay floors, the analysis and research laboratories, the physiotherapy department, the refreshment bar and the reception. The swimming-pool department for hydrotherapy is an integrating part of the new pavilion at the service of the entire complex.