HQ Moncler Covivio

Project Description

Descrizione progetto

Designed by ACPV Antonio Citterio Patricia Viel, for Covivio, the new Moncler Headquarters, as part of the expansion of the Symbiosis Business District, will be a corporate campus with a high level of environmental sustainability in which the spaces will encourage innovation and collaboration between people. The project includes solutions aimed at improving thermal efficiency and reducing energy consumption, the installation of photovoltaic panels on the roof of the building and the preservation of original structural elements such as the former industrial chimney, transforming them in an innovative and sustainable way. Covivio has entrusted the construction of the buildings called G and H to the joint venture led by Colombo Costruzioni S.p.A., as agent, Nessi & Majocchi S.p.A., AZA Aghito Zambonini S.p.A. and Elettromeccanica Galli Italo S.p.A.as principals.