San Giuliano (MI)

Project Description

Descrizione progetto

Creation of prefabricated building to become an IT equipment warehouse. The project foresees the realisation and consolidation of lands with jet grouting technology, the creation of plinths connected with a network of beams, installation of prefabricated structures (height under the beams = 10,50m). Installation of insulated facade panels. Prefabricated 23,00 m span exterior of wing headers. Creation of goods moving area and installation of Nr. 11 loading points. Electrical and lighting distribution installation. Realisation of automatic on/off lighting system with FM Global specifications. Building of new access reception block, creation of ground level 315-space car park and landscaping. Warehousing is to cover 7,500 sq.m., utilities (reception block, technical centres etc.) 600 sq.m., external surfaces (roads, squares, car park etc.) 15,000 sq.m.