five generations.
The huge wealth of experience, built up since 1905, represents the solid basis of a company that takes care to safeguard important core values and family traditions.
Respect for its history and for its past remains a starting point that cannot be renounced and is, at the same time, the drive to find ever new professional challenges.
From the first years of activity, right up to the present day, comparison with technological innovation and with continuously avant-guarde work management systems has never been interrupted. The Colombo Family has maintained control of the company, spanning five generations, giving its direction a clear managerial hallmark, founded on specific skills and on the ability to listen and to communicate with its clients and top collaborators.
Acquired technical knowledge, necessary to build and to design, to make what is built is long-lasting, results – in the model adopted by Colombo Costruzioni – indissolubly tied to an entrepreneurial mission that looks with confidence and curiosity towards progress.

Our history, the men, the technology and the
passion to build the future.
With over 110 years of history comes a wealth of technical and managerial knowledge that helps Colombo Costruzioni to face the most important challenges in the construction sector. Only through research and development is it possible to meet the ever more complex requirements from clients and designers properly.
That is why, in order to offer a more complete service to its customers, Colombo acts not only as a highly attested constructor but also as General Contractor, so as to represent a reference point for the client in full compliance of times, costs and product quality.
Thanks to its entrepreneurial experience and its consolidated IT know-how, Colombo Costruzioni guarantees full support also in the management of real estate. The well-tested system for the organization of graphical and numerical data of each building and for their updating, allows the client to have an up-to-date picture of each property.
Moreover – thanks to the extensive knowledge of any evolution in the sector standards – the client can rely on Colombo Costruzioni in case any intervention, lease, trade or program customization occurs to be needed.
Colombo Costruzioni, in fact, employs its personnel in deals related to both early-stage real estate initiatives, as well as income-generating ones.
Colombo Costruzioni has always invested in two strategic areas:
People and Technologies.
Its staff is highly-specialized and fully satisfies the criteria of efficiency and preparation suitable for the profile of a leading company that invests heavily in training and professional development.
The Engineering Division, which holds a preminent position, is based on architects and engineers in charge of developing and controlling projects in the executive stage.
Great attention is paid to the integration of processes, design and planning right up to purchasing planning and control plans, also thanks to advanced methods such as B.I.M. (Building Information Modeling).